Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Housewarming Party

So we had our housewarming party. It was a lot of fun. My mom and sister came up from Kissimmee for our party and were very helpful. We invited all the neighbors on our street to come as well as some people from church, and work. There was a little over 20 people that came. There were about 15 other people that were supposed to come that didn't show. Overall we had a nice time. I didn't take pictures as I normally do, so there are not as many pictures. We had fully loaded ice cream sundaes and banana splits for our guests. We had pumpkins for pumpkin carving, and Rockband going on. Omar's pumpkin that he carved - isn't he talented?
The pumpkin that I carved - we cheated by doing them the day before. This was the first pumpkin I did by myself and the first time carving pumpkins as a couple.
My mom wanted to take a picture of us at the tree in our yard so we could later look back and see how much it had grown.

No he is not going to the bathroom in the lake...this is the view from our house the night of our party.

the tables set up for pumpkin carving
neighbor kids getting into their pumpkins.
Omar helped them.
like my pumpkin apron?

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