Sunday, December 12, 2010

1st Annual Christmas Cookie Exchange

So I have never been to a Christmas cookie exchange, no less hosted my own. But it seemed like such a fun thing to do. I love parties, and I love the challenge of figuring out how to throw one too. I wasn't sure if it would be successful or not, but I think everything went better than I thought. There was a good turnout and I think everyone had a great time, including me! I am already looking forward to next year (especially since my cookies are almost gone).

Yeah for my OWN first ever Christmas tree

I never thought I would have a fireplace and mantle!

Bought these in UT especially for this party, don't they sound delicious! They are!

I thought different designed mugs for everyone would be the easiest way to keep track of cups

I love candles

Erin started out my Christmas Exchange book, I will use it each year to record the previous year.

Isn't the host just plain adorable?

Some friends - Candice, Erica, Lizzy, Rebekah

Charlotte, Brittany, Melissa, Megan

The mystery cookie, which was not so delicious, it was renamed by the guests to be Santa's revenge!

Let the cookie madness begin

What a good looking group! Too bad I didn't have camera batteries charged and had to use my cell phone
Parties really make me love my house, because I think it works out perfectly for parties. It was fun decorating, although at times very stressful. Yeah for everyone who came and double yeah for those who helped me get ready!

I must say that everyone gave me a hard time about my cookie rules. Lets be honest, I simply copied them from the lady online that claims she is the original cookie exchange party queen or something. It was fun playing it up, and it really did make the party better. We had a wonderful selection of cookies.

Here are the rules:
Some content courtesy of Robin Olsen,
1. All cookies should be homemade, baked and main ingredient must be flour.
2. No plain chocolate chip cookies, cookie mixes, no-bakes, meringues or bars.
3. Please bring 6 dozen total cookies.
4. The theme is "Christmas Cookies"
5. Arrange cookies in a basket or platter and be creative! Bring a large container to carry away your cookie,
6. Email a copy of your recipe before the party (or bring recipe to the party)
7. Christmas attire is encouraged!
8. RSVP as soon as you can and let me know what type of cookies you are planning on baking - no duplicate recipes allowed
9. There's a prize for the best Christmas outfit.
10. If you don't have time to bake, or have burnt your cookies, but still want to attend, you must go to a real bakery and buy 6 dozen yummy cookies.


Nikki (and Crew!) said...

I wish we were cookie exchanging together!!! I always feel like mine is not too successful.
Your tree looks gorgeous!

Unknown said...

you were supposed to save some cookies for me :( and your tree does look good, nice work.. although it is just kinda weird that you have a penguin ornament.. I thought turtles were your thing? ;) haha