Thursday, January 6, 2011

Blessing of Being Where the Lord Expects You to Be

Sometimes I feel I have become lazy when it comes to the Lord. I dread sometimes the things that brought me so much peace and joy church meetings. I could probably give you some good reasons as to why maybe it would be okay for me to have a break and not be where the Lord expects me to be. This week, however, I have had a good reminder of how the Lord blesses those who are doing what he asks and expects.
Jim Rowland, my old Bishop,and my family's current home teacher (who diligently visits every month) for I think now over 10 years is someone that I admire. He is such an example to me of someone who is optimistic, serves others, a great father, and constantly thinks of others.

Well my sister called me the other day and told me that Sunday he passed out at church. Everyone tried to take him home, but he refused and had someone drive him to his Stake High Council meeting. In the meeting he blacked out and actually died for a few minutes. The current stake president began doing CPR on him.

That same Sunday there was another ward member who was a doctor who had surgery on his leg and had been out of church for 2 weeks. He was going to take this Sunday off, but thought he should come. He by random had an oxygen tank in his trunk and they used that to give him while the ambulance arrived. The paramedics had to shock him a few times to get his heart going again. They said that if he hadn't been there and those doctors along with the oxygen hadn't worked on him that he would have not been able to be revived. Basically if he had been at home when it happened he would have died! Heart disease runs in his family and I believe his father died in his early 40's.

Here he had passed out and could have easily said that he should go home and rest, but he was adamant about going to his church meeting. Then there was someone still recovery from an injury and went to church and ended up saving someone's life. Tomorrow he has open heart surgery and we are fasting for him. I have a strong testimony of the power of the fast. I know that everything is in the Lord's hands as to how things will go...but this has been a testament to me of how important it is to be where the Lord expects you to be.

1 comment:

Nikki (and Crew!) said...

Wow, thanks for sharing! Let us know how it goes.