Sunday, January 11, 2009

Special Utah Visits

We went and saw my friend since I was probably 11 years old, Nikki North. She lives in Utah now with her husband and adorable tiny baby Amelia. We talked a long time, toured her first home and then went to Cafe Rio. How I love Cafe Rio and pray they will make one in Florida. We also saw Nikki on our way to the airport to go back home. We went to a pizza restaraunt called "The Pie" at a new location near our Seugro's home.
I met with one of my old good mission companions and her new husband. We went to dinner to, where? Cafe Rio!!!
We spent the evening at my aunt Pam's house in Provo (Dad's side). We had a good time catching up with everyone, eating yummy food and playing a new card game. We were able to also see Trent and Jenn who were to get married that following Sunday night.

1 comment:

Nikki (and Crew!) said...

Even though that is the GROSSest picture of me ever, it was fun to hear about the rest of your trip. Glad to hear you got home safe! (PS, it's Amelie. :))