Saturday, April 4, 2009

Conference Weekend Update

My sister on her mission in Bulgaria comes home in May and mentioned that she always tries to get my update by seeing my blog since I have been a bad pen pal, but I have also been a bad blogger. So what better weekend is there than Conference to catch everyone up in the lives of "OK"? We have been swamped with work and church, more church than anything else. It seems as though we have not had real time for ourselves to do stuff because of all the church commitments we have had so it will be interesting to go back through pictures to see what has happened in the past 3 months. Here we go...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey thanks :) I did get to see the Saturday morning and Sunday morning sessions (we watched live from 7-9pm) SOO good! The other sessions I will watch in Bulgarian, but I am excited.