Sunday, August 2, 2009

Young Men's and Secretary's the eternal callings

Last Sunday I spoke in church. I spoke about Pioneers since the Friday before was Pioneer Day. I thought it went pretty well, except that I just talked SO fast. I was the last speaker and was afraid that I was not going to be able to get everything in that I planned to say due to the limited amount of time. It was nice because my friend Erin Pratt was there to hear my talk along with a work friend who came and visited the church for the first time.

So Omar and I both received new church callings. Which is so funny since we are going to be leaving in like 45 days to a new ward and stake once we move into our house. Omar is now 2nd Counselor in Young Mens. He just can't get away from the Young Men - I guess it is because he is a kid at heart. It is just ironic because everyone has been talking about the guy that Omar is replacing and how amazing that other guy is. I just feel bad for the boys because there is such a high turnover rate in this ward due to all the people that come for law school and the high percentage of apartment complexes in the ward boundaries.

I was released from calling to teach the 12-13 year old Sunday School class. I loved teaching them, it was so fun and I think they really liked me to. Now I am the Relief Society Secretary. I guess I am meant to always be the secretary. I was the secretary of Beehives when I was 12 and 13 years old, the secretary of Mia Maids when I was 14 and 15 years old and the secretary of Laurels when I was 16 years old. I was also secretary of Young Womens in the Spanish Branch and now I am the Relief Society Secretary. Not to mention that I am the secretary for my own Advisory Board at work. I guess some people just have a talent for being a secretary. Ah well...we will be happy to serve and help in whatever way we can until we are called to our next area.

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