Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Breadmaker

Me with my new creation - a 2 lb loaf of 2 cheese bread!
trying to get that bread holder out of the breadmaker - man was it hard!
We cut off one end when we realized we could use our bread slicer to get a perfect bread slice
slicing away!

So we got pretty much all the kitchen gadgets when we got married. I finally tried out one of them. I have always wanted a bread maker because I have envied all those people that can make bread...we never home-made bread in my house when growing up. We had the missionaries over for the 3RD time this week and I made Italian food - you have to have bread with that. I found a recipe for 2 cheese bread and made it. Too bad I didn't know how long it was going to take to bake until I actually started it. It wasn't done in time for the Elders - so we could eat more - MuHAha! And we were able to even use our handy dandy food slicer too. How exciting! Who thinks we can open our own bread factory?

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