Saturday, June 9, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

I had Memorial Day off which everyone ended having off at work due to Tropical Storm Beryl. Before we knew about the storm we had made plans for my parents and my sister to come up to visit us for the weekend. They got here Saturday night and I met them for dinner after work at Osaka. Following dinner we went and saw the movie 
Men In Black 3.
Sunday we went to church and it rained off and on all day long. My parents and I drove around Nocatee and went over to Michler's Beach to check out what it looked like there with Beryl really rolling in. The tide was REALLY high and you can't tell by the pictures but the waves were really pretty big and the tide was pretty dangerous looking.
Monday, Memorial Day, Omar had to be at church at like 6 AM to make breakfast for a 7:45 AM flag raising/pancake breakfast for the ward. Omar was in charge of all the food except for the pancake mix. We bought $150 of bananas, bacon, and eggs. Me and my family ended up getting there about 8:30 to everyone sitting in the gym listening to one of the members who served in the services share some services. SO many people showed up. I think it was because everything else got cancelled because of TS Beryl. We waited until the end to eat and that meant that there were no pancakes left. I was glad Omar wasn't in charge of that part because there was plenty of eggs and bacon.

My parents didn't end up staying much longer on Monday because of the storm. They left about noon to try to beat the traffic. It was a quiet Memorial Day

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