Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Samba Room

Last night I went dancing at the Samba Room. They play Latin music. It was a lot of fun. I'm learning, but I love it. One of my friends, Jesus and I talked a little bit, and I just realized even more why I love the Hispanic people and their culture. Sometimes I think that I was meant to be born in some other country. The thing I love about them is just how they live life. They live it - they can live it without all the American things that we have. They just have fun with everything that they do. A lot of them are poor and so humble. They love their families and having a good time. I think they have their priorities in check. I wonder sometimes why we work so hard here in America. We work so we can have that new car, or big house, the newest electronic device, but why? In the long run - there will always be a newer car, a bigger house, and a smaller and quicker electronic device. When do we live? Maybe its next weekend or the next holiday when I have a break...or when I don't have that mortgage or payment of some sort. The bills always seem to pile up, and it makes it that much harder to really have an enjoyable time. I think that the Latinos have it right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You got it right, Kate. I agree. That's why I got out of business and into academia. I'm still busy, but at least I'm busy doing something I find interesting and meaningful, rather than just doing it for the sake of making money.

Unfortunately, though, we have to have money and basic possessions to survive, and even that minimum requirement prevents so many people from being able to enjoy life. Here in Hong Kong, the rat race, and the game of "keeping up with the Joneses" is even worse than it is in the US.

BTW, great blog.

Uncle John W.