Sunday, May 3, 2009

Movin' On

So there has been a major change in our life for the past 2 weeks. We are now attending an English ward and left the Spanish Branch. This is something that has been coming for quite a few months now. If it hadn't of been for my new calling to be Young Womens President in the Spanish Branch last November/December we would have left the Branch in January when we moved to a new apartment. We finally felt after a few more months of serving in the Branch that it was time to move on. It was hard and in ways is still hard for me to leave. To serve the Young Women has always been my wish and dream. The Young Women's program changed my life while growing up and I wanted to give a little bit back. I feel that I did what I could at the time, but it was time for Omar and I to leave so we could continue to grow spiritually ourselves.

So far we both really like our new English Ward, the Mandarin 2nd. There seem to be good people. They have already extended a call to me, but I have not been sustained (so it is still a secret). Relief Society has also asked me to sing on Mother's Day and I have been invited to join the choir.

We haven't really made any new friends yet. But it took us a while to make any friends in the Branch. The nice thing this time is that the people will actually live close to us. In the Branch our closest friends are about a 30 minute drive on way!

I must admit that I have a lot more free time now. Young Women's was becoming more stressful than my job of running Clay County! I am thinking of ways to keep my Spanish learning in tact. I do not want to loose everything that I have gained with the language. I might join a Spanish class and try to work with speaking Spanish to Omar more. We will see. Life is good.

1 comment:

sachiko said...

How fun! Change is always good. And for whatever reason I knew you were in YW but didn't know you were the pres. I've been meaning to contactarte because I don't know what to do with the YW in our SPanish branch. Huge chastity and modesty and CELLPHONE issues. Tips would be fantastico! I've been so busy with this missionary thing and work and school... I need to find time to call you. it's been forever since we last talked.