Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

This year we actually remembered to do my family tradition of eating black-eyed peas. Here was our meal...not too shabby.

So now that we are going to have good are a few of our New Year's Resolutions...(we tried to be realistic). Each month on Fast Sunday (the first Sunday of the month) we are going to try to make a tradition of checking up on how our resolutions are doing.

Kate: Run a 10K, debt free by August 1st, develop a relationship with the scriptures again, travel out of the country, read at least 5 non-fiction books
Omar: Eating no more than 2 times/week fast food, not spending money from his checking account with exception of bills, give Kate a massage every week, improve personal scripture study, try to look like I did on the mission (I'm not sure how realistic this last one is...have you seen him?) let me show you.

Omar in NY on his mission prior to 9/11 (see the Twin Towers)
 First of all he has hair...I would die for him to have that again!


Laura said...

Are you sure Omar wrote his resolutions? Especially that one about the massage sounds like one Kate wrote. Maybe you are onto something - have your spouse write resolutions for each other.

Ten Nebula said...

Peace and light, Kate & Omar

I enjoy your blog
I hope all is unfolding in your life in ease, harmony, joy, and abundance!
Have a great 2011!

Bright Blessings,

Ten Nebula

Kate & Omar Spilsbury said...

Yes mom, those actually ARE Omar's resolutions that he wrote himself. He gave me massages before, but just not weekly, so it may be a little cope out for him.