Monday, August 27, 2007

"The ugliest sandles in the world"

I have been told by many people, my family included, that I own the ugliest sandals ever made. There hasn't been a day that I have worn them in Florida in which I haven't received some sort of negative remark about my "Utah Sandals". They have been compared to sandals that were worn in Jesus time period. They supposedly leave red-marks on my skin because the straps are so embedded in them. Not to mention my cousin claims that he was almost unable to walk because one tapped him on the leg, and they are "very heavy". I gave in and bought some new sandals this past weekend. I was wanting some new ones anyhow - after all I'm not going white-water rafting or hiking any mountains in the next few days. Don't worry - I will continue to wear my ugly sandals, because oddly enough I don't think they are ugly - I think they fit my personality...and they are comfortable. The nice thing is, I don't have to worry about anyone stealing them


Bert and Benton said...

Haha those sandals Scream Southern Utah!! I think they're great!

Anonymous said...

Kate, Never ever ever be ashamed of your Chacos. They are quite possibly the most versatile shoes in the world. I recently bought a second pair and love them with a passion. If anyone ever makes fun of them again you should bite them.

Kate & Omar Spilsbury said...

or Rob, I could hit them with my Chacos - don't fret, I still love my Chacos and will forever wear them!!!