Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tired of Being Held Hostage in My Own Home!!!

So as I am writing this a guy selling Kirby's is in our home. They came to our door when I was working and needing to start making dinner. They acted like they were our new neighbors wanting to welcome us to the neighborhood. They asked to step inside the door to show us something and bam they were selling a Kirby vaccum. I told them that we just bought a Rainbow vaccum and are happy and NOT interested. Boy are they persistent. Persistent to the point that I was being flat down rude to them to try to get them out of my house. Finally, Omar came over and I told them that if he wanted to watch the demo that was fine, but I didn't want to because although their promise was 5 minutes it has been 30 minutes and they are still here. Omar what a sucker! Dinner is now ready, I am hungry and I just want to eat and this guy to LEAVE. I am so sick of all these salesman keeping me hostage in my home! Am I the only one out there that feels that way.


Spilsburys said...

Ive been there done that. EDDIE is a sucker too! So yes I have heard this story before ! I remember one time I was so fed up I just left the room because it was one of those where both had to be present,and the guy was like " um Mam I need you to be in here or I have to leave , and I am like well, looks like you have to leave then, because I am tired and not interested and I have a new born baby in the other room so goodbye and went into the bedroom laughing because I left Eddie out there all alone to tell the guy sorry I guess she is not interested ! Awkward .......... Oh man I feel you !

Kate & Omar Spilsbury said...

I wish my leaving would have been good enough. It didn't I cooked dinner, and told Omar that I was ready to eat. I ended up eating alone while Omar was still listening to the dude when his promise of 3 more minutes turned into 30 more minutes. I did laundry and spent time in my bedroom. I told the guy many times how much I wanted him to leave. It was miserable and not our first time. We have already had the Rain Soft guy come who would not take no for an answer. Talk about pricey - $8,000 for his system. Some other guy came over a week ago and he has the same system really for $1,500!!! We just get nailed by these people. Gotta love being a homeowner. I think if one more person comes up to me and shows me a picture of how the outside of my home could look - I am going to rip up their picture and be sent to jail.