Thursday, October 13, 2011

We're Debt FREEEEE!!!!

Omar and I are DEBT FREE!!! We have been working on this since we got married little by little. We have paid off over $36,000!!! So no we have not paid off the house yet, but all other consumer debt is gone. We paid off credit cards, student loan, our car, and more. We should get the title in the mail any day now, that was the last thing we paid off. This opens up a whole new world. Just not paying a car payment a month is huge for us. Now we can really work to save, save, save. Then starting plugging away on the house.

A lot of this was thanks to Dave Ramsey. We went to his Financial Peace University (FPU) when we first got married. His baby steps have helped us to keep organized.
Learn more about becoming debt free by going to it can change your life too.


Naomi said...

Congratulations, that's HUGE!

sachiko said...

that's AWESOME! Congrats for having your house in order!