Monday, December 7, 2009

Isn't my husband so cute?!

So there have been a few things lately that I just thought were so cute, weird, and talented of Omar-

#1 I was doing laundry after he was in Orlando the whole week of Thanksgiving working. What did I find? This:

It is a pair of his shorts and since he packed his own bag and did not bring a belt, what did he use for a belt? These twist tie things that he uses for work?! Only my creative guy would think of that.

#2 Omar surprised me one day and bought a fan on sale for under $70 when it was normally over $150 (GO babe on looking for sales - he has been a great supporter of my couponing). But the amazing part is that he installed it! He had never installed one before and it has seperate switches for the lights and the fan. Our fan does not shake or make weird noises or anything!

#3 We were leaving our friend's birthday party and I look over and I see the first tears out my husbands eye - I had to take a picture as I have never seen my husband cry. Why was he shedding tears? He was pulling out some nose hairs! Guys are so weird!

1 comment:

Spilsburys said...

Im dying inside .....
this is Hilarious