Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Day with My Heart

So today Omar was supposed to work most all day and in the morning he planned to play softball with some other guys. It left me all alone. I am not much of a loner really. I occassionally enjoy time alone, but really I love to be around people, doing things. He just told me to go and do whatever I wanted to do...not the easiest thing.

Since friends are very limited to non-existant for me still in Jacksonville, I was thinking back to a group that I was part of briefly until I got married...Zion Women. One of the classes that took place after I moved was about giving your heart a date to do whatever it wanted to do.

So here goes my first semi-attempt at A Day with My Heart...
Wake up at 8:30 AM becuase I could not sleep anymore. Get ready and go to the beach. It was cloudy and raining off an on. A walk down Jax beach past the pancreatic cancer runners to sit near where a surfing competition is taking place. Watch the crazy waves and listen to the ocean while reading a book.

After about an hour the rain was really starting and so I decided to browse in a few beach shops - thinking how much I really love beach attire and brands. Wondering, what it would be like to wear a bikini. I walk past the pancreatic cancer bash and get a free sample of a smoothie and then a Rita's icee (classic!!).

I drive to St. Johns Town Center to buy a baby gift for a friend's baby shower that night who I have not seen since I learned she was pregnant. After my purchase, hunger strikes - where to eat? Of course somewhere I can't eat with Omar - "The Healthy Way" (that really is the name of the place - not just that Omar doesn't eat healthy - smile). I ate a whole organic meal - the raw onions brought this yummy flavor to the food. Sometimes I forget to savor my food - I have to remind myself I am in no hurry.

Off to a few other stores - one Ashley Furniture where a saleswoman hounds me even though I clearly told her that I do not want any help and am not buying anything today. My trip was not as leisurely there as I would have hoped.

Home to make some brownies for my friend who is having the baby - I know she loves them. Wrap the gifts, do some laundry, talk to my dad. Spend some time listening to music and getting dressed to leave for the evening.

Not a complete heart day, but actually quite satisfying. It was nice to take the time to do what I would like to do with no one bugging, asking, or making me feel like I have to do something. Maybe I can handle more Days with My Heart.

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