Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tuesday: Katz & Home

Our last day, Tuesday, Omar took the kids to their first day of school. We then went with Hermana Osorio to the store where she bought house stuff and then we went to Katz. Omar has been talking about this place since we got married. He loves it. Pastrami and Corn Beef remind me of my dad. But I can honestly say that it was SO delicious. I loved it.
The left is my sandwich a combination of pastrami and corn beef and Omar's was pastrami. Both were on rye bread with their spicy mustard and pickles.
The line is always long at Katz - no matter what time you get there

Omar tried to eat my sandwich
Finally a peice of NY cheesecake
Hermana Osorio and her sister
What a crazy amount of sales tax.
Us outside the restaraunt

Later we went back to the house, played some Dominos, Omar grilled ribs and other food, then we packed up and went home. The whole time the Osorios were saying how we hardly stayed and how normally Omar stays for 2 weeks and did we really have to leave. They were already talking about our next visit and places we could go. It was a nice trip and I wouldn't mind visiting some other time.

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