Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Speech, Speech, Speech

Today I gave my first speech for Toastmasters, the club I recently joined to help my public speaking skills. The first speech is the Icebreaker Speech which is basically 4-6 minutes of me talking about wonderful me! My speech was entitled “How Mormonism Brought Me to Northeast Florida.” It is interesting because I have spoken in public many times and with different sizes of audiences. This was probably my smallest audience and I was plain nervous. So nervous that my knees literally were knocking. Thank goodness I have pretty good speaking skills, because no one could tell. I actually was voted best speaker of the day.

I get home and what happens we are asked to speak in church this Sunday! Ughh…this will be my 4th talk in church since I moved to NEFL in March of 2008. This will be something like my 14th church talk since returning from my mission (July 2007). Speak, speak, speak, how exhausting. This time Omar will be speaking with me and this will actually be his first speech in an English ward. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So you complain about having to speak too much but then you join a toastmasters club? Or you just don't like giving church talks?