Saturday, October 2, 2010

General Conference - I Can't Wait to be Amazed

I am so blessed to be able to watch conference online at home. I just think how technology has advanced in this world and how it can be used for good and evil. Oh what a good use of technology to be able to broadcast to the whole world the word of God!!! How amazing are the Lord's servants. I hope that I can become a better one.

It brings tears to my eyes to even think of how much better I can be and how the Lord is there to help lift me to where I can be. There is so much to change and I fall so short, but there is so much hope. I am grateful for the hope that I will be able to hear through the voices of His Apostles the next 2 days.

Why am I so lucky to be a part of this amazing plan? I can only imagine what I must have been like prior to this earth to choose to come here to earth and at this time. If only I can put my selfishness away and truly follow the Master to Eternal Life and Exaltation. Weekends like this just put it all in perspective again. I can't wait to be filled!

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