Monday, October 25, 2010

My Husband the Amazing!

My husband is now 29 years old! He is just amazing to me. I seriously feel so blessed to have someone who is so loving and caring. I'm not a very mushy person so for me to write this is a little weird. But recently I have just been thinking about all the wonderful things he does for me.
*He does a lot of the cooking and cleaning around the house.
*He does an awesome job on the lawn, our grass looks amazing!
*He is always helping someone and never looks for attention from it. People will come up to me and thank me for letting him come and help him move, for him getting them tickets to go to something and other random things that I had NO idea that he was doing.
*He is such a hard worker
*I love the way he is always helping my parents and enjoys spending time with them even if I am not around

I couldn't ask for someone more supportive in everything that I want to do! I love you BABE!

1 comment:

Nikki (and Crew!) said...

Yay! Happy for you two! happy Birthday, Omar, you're getting OLD!